Board Of Directors

Mr. Tariq Wazir Khan
Secretory Shrines ETPB, PATRON-IN-CHIEF
Mr Tariq Wazir Khan has been member of various organizations and has a vast knowledge of Sikh Affairs. Presently, he is Secretary (Shrines) in Evacuee Trust Property Board, Pakistan.

Sardar Gopal Singh Chawala
Sardar Gopal Singh Chawala was born in November 1976 at Hangu. He is emerging as young and energetic Sikh youth leader in Pakistan. A honest and enthusiastic individual who possesses good reputation in Sikh youth of Pakistan.

Sardar Partap Singh
Administrator Peshawar KPK
Sardar Partap Singh was born in 1977 at Peshawar. He and his family are very active in bringing the Sikh Sangat of Pakistan on one platform. His profession as a Doctor is clean from any allegations. He is very active social worker. He possesses appreciable following among Sikh Sangat of Khyber Pukhton Khawa.

Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora
Ex. Gen. Secretary PSGPC
Sardar Ramesh Singh was born on 11 October 1974 at Nankanasahib. He is MBA (Finance). He has been member of various NGOs. He is young, educated and impressive gentleman who has developed good impression in developmental and social welfare sector of Pakistan.He is first SIKH Member Provisional Assembly of Punjab Assembly.
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KASB BANKTo: Sikh SangatA/C: 0049-137326-001296,G.T Road Baghbanpura
On recommendation from a friend I visited the site and found it extremely interesting and promising. Such a dharmic place was certainly required especially to make our Sikh youth aware of the truthfulness of their Faith and rehat maryada.
Sardar Ranjeet Singh Masutta